Kamis, 20 April 2017

Topic 4 : Ask An Expert

Assalamualaikum Miss Dini Haiti Zulfany. How are you miss? May we always be healthy and give protection to god. Following this assignment in topic 4: Ask An Expert

Convertation how to make a cake

Hasil gambar untuk rainbow cake

Vino: Hey, how are you Amanda? By the way, I’d like to say thanks for your invitation.
Amanda: I am very well Vino. Okay, let’s go to my lovely kitchen.
Vino: Sure. I’ll follow you. 
Amanda: What are we making, Amanda?
Vino: I know that your kitchenware is complete enough to make everything. How about Rainbow Cake? 
Amanda: I love that cake very much. But, I’ve never made it before.
Vino: It is so easy Wi. I bring my recipe’s book.
Amanda: That’s good. What ingredients that we need? 
Vino: Let me check the recipe. Okay, here is the material; we need butter, milk, flour, some eggs, sugar, cochineal, baking powder and water.
Amanda: A moment please. Well, I’ve got the ingredients on the table. Now what?
Vino: Mix up the sugar, butter in mixing bowl while I heat up the milk. Then we will mix it together. 
Amanda: Okay! Let’s do it! How about the eggs? 
Vino: Give it to me please. I will combine it.
Amanda: Sure. By the way, why do you like cooking very much?
Vino: Since childhood my mother always took me to help her in the kitchen. So, over time I will love to cook. And how about you? 
Amanda: My father is a chef at Rainbow Hotel.
Vino: Wow! Are you sure? That’s why your kitchen is like a professional and these are a gift from your father, am I right?
Amanda: Yes. This is the special gift when I was seventeen years old. How about our cake, Vino? 
Vino: It’s almost finished. We just need to bake them now. Then, our rainbow cake is ready to be served.
Amanda: Ok. It looks so delicious. Thank you for helping me today Vino.
Vino: You are very welcome Amanda.
Amanda: By the way, may I borrow your recipe, please?
Vino: Sure. This is my cookbook. You can also get some delicious food recipe there.
Amanda: Okay. I think we can cook some traditional food next time.
Vino: I’ll love it. Hey, look! Our cake is ready to be served! 
Amanda: Yes, let’s eat!
Vino: Wait… wait… Let’s have a sit, dear. I will serve a special slice of that cake only for you.
Amanda: Yup, I need to get my bookcook to copy your recipe.

Vino: Okay! 

Minggu, 02 April 2017

Topic 3: I can't imagine life without ...

Assalamualaikum Miss Dini Haity Zulfany. In topic 3 we are told can not imagine without what? according to the i can't imagine without electricity because humans depend to a source of electrical power in everyday life in this modern era. Electricity is one of the needs of the community are very important and as a source of economical power of the most major need in a business activity, whether at home, office, or other place. In the absence of electricity the movement of the wheel of life human influence. Let alone a day, an hour just power outages of course we will feel a little deserted, disappointed and even upset if in the day or the hour, there is a specific event that is dear to miss if the power goes out, a lot of work that can be abandoned, the solution prepared ganset to anticipation of a power outage. However, in rural that is located far from the city have yet to get the priority of the power plant which is provided by the government. Many know that the source of electricity is largely generated by a few large power plants that require the most of the natural resources of mineral such as geothermal, coal, petroleum and natural gas. As the development time people think to find a solution that does not rely on the government. One of the ideal of rural communities is utilizing  a protected forest which has the contour  of a steep and average have of the river that every year flows because of the protected forest has a function as retaining the rain water can be a strategic place for the beginning of the construction of small scale power plants also known as micro-hydro power plant. My view in the source of electric power in the future frugality in the use of electricity to source the remaining energy can be utilized at a later day. Thank’s